Chapter of the Month |
Let us recognize YOUR chapter for the great work you’re accomplishing! This recognition will be awarded monthly, so submit nominations throughout the year to be highlighted on our social media accounts!
Community Literacy Impact Award |
This award aims to acknowledge chapters that completed a project to enhance literacy within their community. Chapters can complete any kind of project that addresses literacy in their community, ranging from leading story hour at the local library to partnering with elementary classes to developing activity kits for specific books. Chapters may submit as many awards as they have projects in a given school year.
State Community Service Project Award |
The State Community Service Project Award recognizes the top three (3) chapters in Nebraska that successfully completed the statewide service project! The goal of this project is to connect with children in your community, Build the Blueprint for their future in both education and life, and make a positive impact by being a strong leader. This award is scored on both the number of service hours logged as well as how impactful the service project was!
Feed Nebraska |
Join other CTSOs from across Nebraska to help Feed Nebraska. Chapters can work with multiple CTSOs and community organizations to address food insecurity in their school and/or community. Potential project ideas could include raising money to prevent hunger, collecting food items, or supporting a local backpack program. Projects should be completed between August 1, 2024 and January 31, 2025.
Chapter Award | | SAMPLE Application
The Chapter Award gives Educators Rising chapters the opportunity to showcase and receive recognition for their exceptional work. There are three levels of recognition: bronze, silver, and gold. For detailed guidelines, please refer to the SAMPLE Application.
Blue and White Affiliation Award |
The Blue and White Chapter Affiliation Awards are designed to encourage Educators Rising members and Teacher Leaders to recruit Educators Rising members from their Education & Training classes. These students often have background knowledge of Ed & Training and have the opportunity to learn about and interact with Educators Rising within the classroom on a regular basis. The level of award will be determined by the following formula: (# of Educators Rising in Education & Training courses in the current school year / # of affiliated Educators Rising members) x 100. The following levels will be recognized:
- White Chapter: 50-75%
- Blue Chapter: 76-95%
- Blue & White Chapter: >96%