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UNO Expo / PDK Showcase

Welcome, Students and Advisers:

I’m so glad you could join us!  Due to restrictions on travel and face-to-face conferences of any size, the UNO Expo / PDK Showcase is available to you here, through videos on demand from October through December. 

This year our event has two themes.  The UNO Expo is focused on developing each rising educator’s equity lens through videos on a variety of topics including social justice, human rights, and inclusion.  “Educational equity means that each child receives what [they] need to develop to [their] full social and academic potential” – National Equity Project. Nebraska.

The Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) Showcase is taking a “Glance Behind the Curtain” of education.  When schools moved to remote education in March, it suddenly became clear to many people that the education system was about more than just teaching.  Care providers suddenly found themselves teaching, and teachers found themselves teaching in a different way.  Reaching all students became a greater challenge than ever before.  While many of us are familiar with what goes on in front of the classroom, this year’s PDK Showcase interviews exceptional teachers and talks with them about what goes on behind the curtain.  it answers the question: “Exactly what does it take to present a great lesson that meets the needs of all students?”

In years past, Educators Rising has invited educational institutions from across the state to set up a table at our event in order to provide information to prospective students. It has always been a great place to get information, to meet the recruiters, and to walk away with a little bit of college swag, such as free notepads, string bags, and candy.  This year, we take it one step further.  Participating colleges have provided you with a virtual tour of what it’s like to be an education student on their campus.  This is your opportunity to check out their campus from your own home.  If you like what you see, contact the college for additional information and, of course, some swag. 

A message from the 2020-2021 Nebraska State Educators Rising Officers:

A message from Aaron Davis

This year, due to COVID restrictions on gatherings, the various Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) brought in a keynote speaker for their fall leadership conferences.  The link to Aaron Davis’s video is below.  You will need a password to access the video – contact your chapter’s adviser for that password. 

Equity - UNO Expo

Introduction to Educational Equity

Reflecting Diverse Communities and Cultures

Cultural Appropriation

Supporting LGBQTIA2 Students


Our Hidden Bias

Showcase Teachers are annually selected by the local chapter of Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) to represent what is good and right in our current PK-12 classrooms.  In years past at the face-to-face Nebraska Educators Rising Fall Conference, Showcase Teachers presented a classroom lesson several times to different groups of Educators Rising high school students.  The purpose of the face-to-face Showcase lessons was to expose rising educators to examples of high-quality, engaging, teaching and learning from a variety of subjects, levels, and Nebraska districts.

This fall 2020, instead of an in-person event, we have transitioned the 2020 PDK Showcase of Teaching to an asynchronous interview video series.  Click the link above to access the videos.

"A Day in the Life of a..."

Please click on the videos below to take a virtual tour and/or learn about the educational opportunities at Nebraska's teacher colleges/universities.

If you missed the opportunity to chat with UNO students while taking a virtual tour of the campus in October/November, the video is now available here:

Additional Teacher Showcase Resources

Additional Equity Resources

The equity videos on this page are reflective of the following state standards: 

Introduction to Education and Training: Understand individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
HSE.HS.8.7.a Create a lesson plan that teaches to diverse students.
HSE.HS.8.7.b Understand personal biases related to diversity.
Understand that learners bring assets for learning based on their individual experiences,
abilities, prior learning, and peer and social group interactions, as well as language,
culture, family, and community values.
Understand the importance of accessing information about the values of diverse cultures and communities and how to incorporate those values into instruction.
HSE.HS.8.7.e Commit to deepening an understanding of frames of reference, the potential biases in
these frames, and their impact on expectations for all learners.
HSE.HS.8.7.f Work productively in teams and demonstrate cultural compete